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Showing posts from September, 2011


Cory and Ashley got a new puppy last night. He is the sweetest black lab that they have named Cooper. Ryan and I got to meet him today and fell in love. Scout can't play with him yet because he is still so small and needs to get his shots, but he is excited to have a new buddy.  Cory and his little guy Uncle Bucky How sweet and precious??!!! Playing in the grass Tired from playing and trying to chew on a leaf We are excited to have this new member of the fam. Welcome, Cooper!!!

Finishing Well

At our church, we are currently studying 1 Kings. One reason I love my church is because they can take a book from the Bible that is hard to connect with and make it relatable. One question that has been sticking with me through this study and that I keep coming back to is..."How do we continue to walk the road of faithfulness with the Lord and finish well?" This question comes from studying Solomon, who is the featured character in the first 10-12 chapters. Solomon began his kingship in humbleness, seeking the Lord for the grace and wisdom to be king. His biggest desire was making the Lord known and creating a temple for the Lord where others could come and worship. The Lord revealed Himself to Solomon two different times and blessed Solomon with more wealth than we could even imagine. As Solomon dedicates the temple to the Lord in 1 Kings 8, he has several times where he just breaks out in praise to the Lord.... "O Lord, God of Isreal, there is no God like you in h...


What a great trip to Chicago, Il!!! We had a blast!! It was a crazy whirlwind of a weekend, but so great. Thursday, I headed to Chicago and Quin met me at the airport to take me to their house. They live about 30 minutes outside of the city of Chicago in the cutest little area ever! It was pretty late, so after some conversation, we went to bed. Friday, I was able to spend most of the day just lounging and playing with Acie and Mae Harmon. We watched some movies, played outside and they showed me some of their favorite spots around town. I loved just being with them and spending some time. Acie doesn't sit much so the only pictures of him are him climbing on something or doing some Justin Beiber moves or working on his handstand.... Ryan got there Friday night. On Saturday morning, we went to a bagel shop and then took our breakfast out to the lake. The lake there looks like our is huge and beautiful and a little calmer. Then, we all went to Acie's first soccer gam...


I realize this picture is backwards because I took it from my computer for the ease of the situation. But, it stands for a lot!!! R and I are headed to Chicago this weekend to visit my brother and his family and to run a half first but Ryan's second. We decided a couple of months ago we wanted to try running a long distance together and see how it went before we decided on a full length marathon. It has been a fun process because we have run almost all the runs together and it has been some great bonding time. But, I really don't think we will do a marathon any time soon. I am glad we are doing it and looking at this sheet today that has been keeping track for us, I realized how far we have come! I know we won't be the fastest or the most enthusiastic, but we are going to try our hardest to get the job done! Well, I am off to catch my flight....wish us luck and say a little prayer for us on Sunday morning :)

Great Weekend!!!!

We had to have a final beach trip to Litchfield for the summer!! So, we headed that way for the long Labor Day weekend. It ended up being my mom, aunt Meri, sister and all of her children. Great days consisting of sitting by the beach and occasional napping, reading good books, and to top it all off a TURTLE HATCHING!!! The highlight of the weekend was a turtle nest we were all keeping an eye on. We knew it was due to hatch any day that we were down there. One day while walking on the beach, we noticed it had started to sink. We went back later that evening and some other people were around the nest watching it. About ten minutes later, a baby turtle made a fight to the sand surface and started his trek down to the water. We all followed him and watched him finally make it to the wave that took him out to the deep sea. Then, we were walking back up the beach and noticed more turtles start coming out of the nest. There ended up being about 70 baby turtles that hatched. The neat thing w...