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Showing posts from April, 2012

Country Livin'

Sometimes when I go home to Manning and the farm, I realize how country my roots are!!! I cannot believe that I forget it, but living in the big city does that to a girl! I was reminded this weekend as I attended my nephew's 6 year-old birthday party "down on the farm".  It was complete with four wheeler ridin' and picnic table sittin'. It is a truly rare event that my entire family is all in one place at the same time. But, this weekend, miracle of miracles, it happened!!! My brother and his family were home from Chicago. It was so good for my soul to see them in the flesh and hug their necks!! And, on Sunday, every single one of our family members managed to make it out to the farm and spend some quality time together doing our favorite things....eating good food and having some laughs. We all remembered our sweet Daddy Scott as it has been over a year now that he is not with us. It only took Mama Scott a full year to finalize his gravestone, bless her heart, ...