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He's kind of a big deal....

Well, I knew my husband was handsome when we got married, but I had no idea he would be a model one day! Ryan is now THE FACE for the company he is working for :) He has had countless photo shoots and his picture is on the info sheets that his company gives all of their clients. I know, right.....he really is a big deal!!!

I just think that is hilarious that any second at work, Ryan will turn around and someone will be taking his picture. And, he has to go to work everyday looking know, just in case!

Don't worry about me...I don't really feel insecure about it or anything like that. Just secretely hoping that one day I will be discovered too. Until then, I am happy to brag on my handsome husband!!!

Well, here is the link to the website if you want to go check it


  1. so fun that you have a blog! love that y'all still are taking those funny face pictures. you'll be 80 and making those faces together. :) love it. tell ryan hello! hope to keep up through the blog.


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