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10 things...

I am such a copy-cat today, but I love this idea! My favorite, Beth Moore, started this on her blog,  and then I noticed my girls, Alyssa and Kathyrn did it on their blogs too. I am learning so many new things about people and, naturally, I need to do it now! Here are the directions:

What are 10 things - right off the top of your head - that we would only know about you if we knew you really well? 10 random things ranging anywhere on your personal map that make you a tad distinctive? Or just plain weird? Think quickly. Don't go for deep. Go for quirky. Don't try to put them in any kind of order and don't make them long. Just start typing.

Since this is the Reese blog, I will attempt to do it for both of Ryan and myself....

1. I hate to shave. Freshman year of college, I only shaved once a week and my friends and people I worked with tried to straighten me out with weekly "armpit checks"...sick, but true.
2. I love zits, abscesses, blood blisters---anything I can pop!
3. I could eat candy all day, every day for the rest of my life....some of my favoties are Sweedish fish, Circus peanuts, Sour patch kids, Starburst jellybeans...etc.
4. First impression that most people I work with think about me....I am shy.
5. I can really hold my own in step aerobics.
6. R&B is my favorite genre of music.
7. Road rage is something I REALLY struggle with!
8. I have an innate drive to be competitive...I love to play this game where I see how fast I can unpack my suitcase or how long it takes me to fold clothes.
9. My full name before marriage was Anna Singleton Hatfield. Kids used to tell me I weighed a "single-ton" in elementary school and that made me hate my middle name!
10. My heart breaks for hurting children that need love - I wish I could adopt them all, move to a ranch somewhere, ride horses all day, play together with them and love them with all I have to give!

Ryan (I am just doing these for him, so I am not sure how accurate they are...just my observations..Ryan, don't forget how very much you love me!!):
1. He loves playing with TAGS on ANYTHING... clothes, pillows, blankets. His game is to get as many fingers through the hole as he can as fast as he can!
2. He can chug a mountain dew like it is his job.
3. He likes to play crossword puzzles before he falls asleep.
4. He ironed his jeans in college (he will deny this one every time, but his freshman roommate told me it was true).
5. His granddaddy calls him "Hose Nose"
6. He wishes he was a professional dancer!
7. If he could eat every meal out with lots of people around, he would choose that every time.
8. His extremely tan skin is NATURAL!
9. He likes the sheets tucked in SUPER TIGHT...I mean, so tight that you have to enter them from the top without pulling on the sides at all and you can hardly breathe when you get under the covers from how tight they are...
10. He calls most of his friends his "best friend" because he really loves people and desires to truly know them and who they are....hence, 24 groomsmen in our wedding!

Well, I hope you have learned a few new things about the Reeses today.  Get you a blog and let us in on it so we can learn some new things about you!!!


  1. And I thought I was the only best friend! Just kidding

  2. First of all I thought about you the other day because I bought my first starburst jellybeans of the season :) And second of all, the competitive games about meaningless tasks...that is so me! If Matt wants me to do something and I really dont want to- he just you want me to time you? And for some reason, I do. Ha.

  3. R&B, huh? I never woudla guessed that one.

  4. Um, Ryan's junior roommate can confirm the jeans thing as well...ironed them like it was his job.


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