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Well, it has been a while since I posted last and thought you may need an update. I have been sick with a nasty flu-bronchitis combo. It is the sickest I have been in a long time.....slept on the couch for 3 days straight and had fever. I couldn't remember if I had ever had fever in my entire life before then!! I am on medicine and feeling a little better, but still not 100%.

Ryan was the best during my sickness. He was such the knight in shining armor. He was tending to my needs, cleaning up after me and brushing my hair back from my forehead. My love grew so much in those moments watching him care for me so much. It made my heart happy while my body was sick. I told him I was so sorry for having to put up with all of it and he responded with, "In sickness and in health". I know...cheesy, but so sweet and kind at the same time. And, of course, now he is sick!

It is a huge snowstorm here, so Scout and I have been inside the last few days trying to brave the storm. Ryan actually had to work in Charleston and is supposed to be returning home tonight. Please pray for safety! The Reeses graciously allowed me to stay with them until today, which was great for rest and safety from the storm.

Scout is a year old now....can you believe it? He is growing and growing, but still loves to cuddle up in your lap. We love him so much...he is hilarious and gives us lots of laughs!!

Scout chillin' on the Reese's kitchen floor

Our little fam..Scout has his eyes closed in this one

Scout and me

Can you believe how much he has grown from this picture when he was a little pup??!!

We are still getting settled here in Greenville. Working on joining a community group at church which should begin next week and building relationships with other people. It is a process that requires patience and trust that the Lord will provide exactly what we need when we need it. Ryan and I are still working at the same jobs and doing okay. It is a pretty good season of life.

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the beginning of the New Year!


  1. Anna! What a cute blog.... Hank and Scout definitely have to play! I think they could be twins! I just sent you a FB message. We'll have to meet up soon

    Greta C.


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