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Daytona Beach with Hatfields

My dad and his wife, Kim, have taken most of my family and gone to Daytona Beach for vacation for the last few years. Ryan and I have never been able to go between getting married and starting school and other things. This year, we were able to work it out to make the trip. It was a lot of fun. My brother's family, my sister's family and my other sister and brother were all there with my Dad and Kim.

The house is in Daytona Beach. It is kind of a crazy area of the world, but we really just stayed at the house the entire time by the pool. We went out to eat a couple of nights, watched movies and TV, and played in the pool most of the day. My nieces and nephews are growing up so so very fast, so I am trying to enjoy every single minute of it. 

This is a picture of the back of the faces the intercoastal waterway and has a gorgeous view. We sat on the porch almost all day, every day reading and taking in the view of the water.

View from the house to the dock

On our first day there, Tripp was already relaxing out on this bench :) He deserves a little break...

My sister and Ragin

My sister, Alex and her boyfriend, Luke

Liz, Eadon, Ragin, Anna and me

My bukes and me sitting by the water

Love these girls!!

Sister picture

Davis and Acie..these are my two nephews and they are absolute total Best Friends!! It is so sweet to watch. At one point, we were all walking in to the movie and looked down to notice the two of them holding each other's hands walking along together...just melts my heart 

Angie, Eadon and Mae Harmon before going to eat

Ragin shootin' some hoops...we need to work on her form a little...

R and I at dinner one night

The other sweet thing is that all my nieces and nephews love each other to pieces. Davis adores Mae Harmon. On morning he decided he just wanted to carry her around the pool. Here is a picture of his achievement..
Then, Mae Harmon was loving it so much and loving him so much, that she decided she just wanted to kiss Davis on his cheek....

Eadon and Ragin

Sweet Maemers

Anna, Mae Harmon and me

Another picture of the gorgeous scenery

Mae Harmon pretending to be a robber with the garden hose

Fun times in the pool...Acie, Ragin, Alex, Davis and Eadon

My nephew, Acie, had seen a guy in Chicago with a blue mohawk and decided he NEEDED to have a mohawk. Angie wasn't too crazy about the idea but they compromised on night when she fixed his hair like this.....

Angie and Quin


Davis and Acie gettin' their Krispy Kreme fix

Getting ready to go eat

Alex and Luke

Acie being crazy

Anna and me...shrooms for life...

My hubby and him!! This was the Reese family portrait when we all took pictures.

The Lee family

The Hatfield family...they were struggling to get everyone to cooperate for the photos

Daddy and Kim

Luke and Alex

Hatfield children with Daddy and Kim

Our entire family

Luke, David and Nick...they had to stay in the motor home all week so we referred to them as "The Motor Home Residents" all week

Few of my nieces and their "Aunt B"

My sis, Alex

Rags and me

Mae Harmon is just the cutest...

I love her so much...she is so sweet she really will give you a cavity..

Cute hubby and me at dinner

Angie with her Mae


Anna posing like a Diva...

Liz and me

Ryan hanging with the kiddos

The girls at dinner

Quin, Liz and me...they are the best!!!

After dinner R and I's last night

It was such a great trip. I don't think I had spent that much uninterrupted time with my Dad, ever...which is so crazy. Made me weepy to think of the redeeming work of the Lord in my life and in his life. I am so thankful we were able to share some memories together. God is so good. All things are possible through Him and His grace!!


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